Personal Storage is Nigh
This is an idea that pops up every so often but I think we are close to seeing it become reality.
Stop and think for a moment about your gadgets. Maybe you have a desktop at work, one at home, a business laptop, a netbook you take on holiday, a Kindle for reading and an iPad for the couch. Possibly you’ve got an iPhone and a fridge that plays tunes in your kitchen.
As a consumer you are constantly being told that you need bigger, faster, more, better. Faster CPU’s, better graphics, longer games, more information, more storage.
But really that’s all just marketing.
I’m willing to bet that what you really want is more gratification, to be more lazy, to get the hotter girls, to have more fun.
We see from the iPhone that the multi-gigabyte HD games we have been sold on the PC for years are often outperformed in terms of fun by games targeted at small screens, consisting of a few tens of megabytes.
We watch videos on our iPads and find it fine. We watch terrestrial TV and the most annoying thing is rarely the quality of the image but more often than not the content or the impossible to follow sound.
We surf the web everywhere and almost every device lets us store bookmarks, leaving our history fragmented and broken.
We listen to audio all over the places and painstakingly replicating our music libraries from device to device. Often a track is on one device but not another, or you get two copies of it.
Every gadget we buy pushes us to have extra hard drive for extra cost.
But wouldn’t it be better to have a single device that stores all our data and allow all our other gadgets to hook up to it and access whatever is needed?
Funny enough we already have such a device.
The SmartPhone.
We carry smart phones with us everywhere, they come equipped with wireless communications, batteries, loads of Flash storage, and we are already used to charging them every night.
Imagine if you will that your iPhone has all your data on it… why then can your iPad not stream the files it needs to and from? Why can’t your fridge or your laptop?
Imagine one set of bookmarks you share everywhere, one place to hunt for that important letter, one music library to maintain.
Wouldn’t that be easier? more sensible? better for our environment?
I think so.
Sure the technology needs some work to add a little more storage, a little more battery capacity, better wireless serving. But the basics are there and as smart phone makers search for differentiating factors I’m pretty certain this is one area that will be discovered.
Personal Storage will blow away your reliance on the ‘Cloud’. Why trust a 3rd party with your data? Why put your data in place you can’t get to if the internet goes down? Why pay for storage you already have that works slower and with less reliability?
Why install your software multiple times? Why not have it on your smart phone to be pulled off and run on your other computers as needed?
This brief dalliance with software as a service will go the way of the dodo, it’s only benefit is in charging you more and making our unreliable power and internet infrastructures even more critical.
No, the future as I see it has my smart phone acting as my personal storage module and software repository and all my other gadgets as simple (potentially amazing) clients onto it.
My world, my pocket, with me everywhere.
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