By default XAML only supports generics in the definition of types (or in other words the root element). It does this by using more x: magic. The x: TypeArguments attribute lets the type derive from a generic class.

Lets take a simple base class with a single Generic type parameter T.

public class SimpleBase<T>
    public object PropertyOne { get; set; }
    public T PropertyTwo { get; set; }

Then we can pretty easily create a XAML derivation of it so:

<custom:SimpleBase x:Class="TestType" x:TypeArguments="sys:String"

Apart from the odd way of specifying it (and honestly how else would we do it in xml?) this works.

However; all is not quite as it seems…

If you now try and set any kind of property on the object or any kind of nested content the compiler accept it but the runtime will blow up in your face with one of a bewildering array of possible error messages, most of which are as helpful as salt water on a boat.

Why? Turns out the reason is pretty obvious once you know. When the XAML is compiled it generates a new type, when we try to set the properties using InitialiseComponent() the runtime basically uses reflection under the covers, however it cannot correctly determine the class name because it seems to ignore the Generic Type Argument. I almost consider this a bug in the XAML system.

Anyway, as normal the most important thing is to know how to get around the problem. And the trick appears to be to only set Proeprties from XAML that are declared on a base class of our generic type, muchly irritating because in this way we loose half the power of generics but (as we will see in another post) still more useful than nothing.

public class BasicBase
    public object PropertyOne { get; set; }
    public string PropertyTwo { get; set; }

public class SimpleBase<T> : BasicBase

I think therefore that it is fair to class the Generics support of XAML is pretty limited!

Side Note: Multiple type parameters can be specified in a comma seperated list.

see also